What To Do With Leftover Cheese Fondue?
Have some cheese fondue left over? Don’t throw it out – use it! Here are a few ideas.
Have some cheese fondue left over and don’t know what to do with it? Luckily, there’s lots of ways to use it up! Here are a few ideas to bring it back to enjoy fondue day 2 or to use it in new recipes.
Reheating cheese fondue
Yes, you can reheat cheese fondue! The best way is to use a double boiler (bain marie), stirring regularly on gentle heat. Cheese fondue tends to thicken when it cools, so you may have to add some liquid, such as milk or wine, to achieve the desired texture. If the fondue gets too runny, just add more grated cheese until the consistency is right.
You can enjoy your cheese mixture as a fondue like the day before, or add it nachos, grilled vegetables, potatoes or any other dish that that tickles your fancy. (We dare you to find one that doesn't taste better with cheese!) You can also use it as a dip for vegetables, crackers or even fries.
And off to the freezer!
You can also freeze the leftover fondue, which is a good way to retain its freshness and taste. Once cooled, cut the fondue cheese into small cubes and place them in the freezer. You can then use them in all your favourite gratin recipes.
Get creative
Your fondue leftovers can take your favourite cheese recipes up a notch. Here are a few ideas.
Cheese Macaroni
Turn your leftover fondue into a classy mac and cheese! Just add a bit of cream to the remaining cheese mixture to turn it into a sauce and pour it over your pasta.
Vegetable Gratin
A clever recipe to clean out the fridge! Use up your leftover cheese, vegetables and bread in one delicious dish. Turn your fondue bread cubes into breadcrumbs and sprinkle them over the gratin.
Pizza Sauce
Leftover fondue makes the perfect base for a scrumptious pizza bianca. Add a dash of pepper and oregano to the cheese mix, spread generously on a pizza shell and garnish as desired.
Leftover cheese fondue can easily replace cream cheese in all your favourite dips. Try it in a spinach and artichoke dip – simply delish!
Chili and Stew
Add your leftover fondue to your next slow-cooker dish, such as a chili or stew. Not only will it add a delicious cheesy flavour, it will also thicken the mixture.
Grated Cheese
If you want to keep things easy, just grate your leftover fondue! It will be firm enough to grate once it has cooled. Then simply add it to any dish you want!
What to do with the sides?
Not a fan of eating day-old bread? No worries – use it in other recipes! You could, for example, turn your fondue bread cubes into breadcrumbs or croutons to garnish your salads or soups. Leftover bread can also be used in bread pudding, panzanella salad, French toast, crostini, and more. As for leftover cold cuts and vegetables, they will be delicious in a pasta dish, gratin or frittata.
A final word of advice
Cheese fondue is pure happiness... until it's time to wash the fondue pot! To make cleaning easier, we recommend pouring water into the empty fondue pot, adding a teaspoon (5 ml) of salt and leaving it to soak overnight. This is one thing you can put off to tomorrow!
If this is not enough, soak the pot again, but this time with a little baking soda. Leave for about 20 minutes, then clean.
We hope this article will help you to enjoy your cheese fondue to the very last bite and limit food waste at the same time. For more tips and interesting facts about Swiss cheese, check out our other blog posts!